A Small Dose of Toxicology: The Health Effects of Common Chemicals

A Free E-book to inspire important conversations for creating a toxic free world. By Steven Gilbert, PhD.

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A Small Dose of Toxicology: The Health Effects of Common Chemicals builds upon what we already know or sense about the chemicals in our lives, and how they may be effecting our physical, mental and even emotional health.

Awareness starts with intuition, but expands with education. A Small Dose empowers us to recognize and mitigate the threat of toxicity in our environments, whether that be by demanding higher standards of public health & safety from elected officials, creating guidelines for our schools, or finding everyday solutions in our homes.


“A little knowledge about toxicology will allow us to better judge the potential effect on our lives, ask insightful questions, and ultimately influence the decision makers.”

Download the e-book today in several languages!

No matter where you live in the world, you're faced with both the problem of toxicity, 
as well as many brilliant minds capable of making meaningful changes and finding creative solutions.


Get in touch if you're interested in having the book translated into another language.

We'd love to make it as accessible as possible! You'll also find Power Points and other Tools for each version!